Produkty dla do silników (4271)

Wsparcie Techniczne w Budownictwie

Wsparcie Techniczne w Budownictwie

Im Rahmen der Konstruktionsunterstützung führt das Unternehmen die folgenden Verfahren durch: Konstruktions- und Engineering-Support ist ein Service, dessen Zweck darin besteht, technischen Support in allen Phasen der Konstruktion, Anpassung und Herstellung komplexer Einheiten, Teile und Mechanismen in technischen Produkten bereitzustellen. GFE-Solutions ist ein Unternehmen, das umfassende Konstruktionsunterstützung bietet: von der Vorkonstruktionsunterstützung, einschließlich technischer und wirtschaftlicher Grundlagen und Entwicklung eines Plans für die Herstellung der einen oder anderen Einheit, bis hin zur Kontrolle der Konformität mit den Konstruktionsanforderungen und der Bereitstellung von Expertenberatungen. Die spezialisierten Spezialisten von GFE-Solutions können die gesamte Konstruktions- und Entwicklungsabteilung in den Phasen der Produktentwicklung unterstützen, angefangen bei der Prototypenerstellung bis hin zur Auslieferung an die Produktion.
Narzędzia do konserwacji samolotów GSE - NARZĘDZIE DO ZACISKANIA SILNIKA NA MASZCIE

Narzędzia do konserwacji samolotów GSE - NARZĘDZIE DO ZACISKANIA SILNIKA NA MASZCIE

Client : AIRBUS L’outillage de serrage Torque Wrench set A350 permet de serrer le moteur sur le mât de l’avion. Il permet un serrage précis dans un espace réduit sans aucun apport d’énergie extérieur. Dans son cahier des charges, Airbus précisait que le Torque Wrench Set devait pouvoir être monté et utilisé par seulement 1 opérateur. L’outillage devait être robuste et répétable sachant que le serrage du moteur sur le mât s’effectue sur 3 vis à l’avant et 6 vis à l’arrière à une valeur définie. Pour s’adapter à l’environnement de l’avion, eXcent a conçu deux systèmes de serrage : le système avant composé d’un ensemble multiplicateur-clé dynamométrique numérique permet un couple de serrage en sortie important avec peu d’effort physique par l’opérateur. Le système arrière utilise le même principe mais aussi une barre de serrage dynamométrique qui demande un effort physique plus important.
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Rouvres (77230) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Rouvres (77230) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Basés à Rouvres (77230) et se déplaçant dans toute la zone, nos plombiers artisans prennent en main un large éventail de travaux de plomberie. Vous pouvez nous confier aussi bien l’installation de vos appareils de chauffage, que l’entretien de vos équipements en passant par les dépannages de plomberie fréquents comme les toilettes ou éviers bouchés, les fuite d’eau etc. Nous sommes aussi habilités à mettre en place des contrats entretien pour les chaudières et ballons d’eau chaude à Rouvres (77230). Sachez qu’après des décennies d’expérience dans le domaine de la plomberie, nos plombiers professionnels sont capables de s’occuper de n’importe quel type de réparation, ainsi que la pose ou le dépannage de votre équipement de chauffage : chaudière à gaz, chauffe-eau, chauffe-eau électrique, etc. Nous nous adaptons à votre demande et nous déplaçons partout à Rouvres (77230) à tout moment de la journée ou de la nuit. Que votre demande concerne un chantier neuf
Spawanie Laserowe 3D, Spawanie Laserowe, Napawanie Laserowe, Obróbka Blach

Spawanie Laserowe 3D, Spawanie Laserowe, Napawanie Laserowe, Obróbka Blach

Wärmeleitschweißen von Blechbaugruppen oder Tiefschweißen im Automobil und Maschinenbau Bereich.
Inżynier Cieplny Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980) - Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980)

Inżynier Cieplny Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980) - Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980)

Dépannage chauffage à Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980) Catastrophe en rentrant chez vous… Les radiateurs sont froids, le chauffage semble ne plus fonctionner. Qui contacter pour un dépannage de chauffage à Le Tertre-Saint-Denis (78980) ? Vous devez trouver un chauffagiste disponible pour une intervention rapide. Mais attention, le prix peut être majoré. En attendant, tentez d’identifier l’origine du problème avec quelques gestes simples. Que faire et qui contacter pour une panne de chauffage, Malheureusement, une panne de chauffage ne tombe jamais au bon moment. Le plus souvent en hiver, la température intérieure peut vite chuter et les habitants peuvent tomber malades car il fait froid chez vous. Contactez un professionnel du chauffage au 07 55 54 72 00 au plus vite. Que ce soit pour un chauffage au gaz, électrique, au fioul, une pompe à chaleur, une cheminée, etc., il sera disposé à trouver l’origine de la panne et apporter une solution.
Inżynier Biznesowy (M/K)

Inżynier Biznesowy (M/K)

De formation BAC+5 (école d’ingénieurs/de commerce, master) Tu as l’esprit entrepreneurial ; Tu es animé(e) par le challenge et l’excellence ; Tu es attiré(e) par la relation client et le management d’équipe. Rattaché(e) à ton Coach qui sera là pour te guider et t’accompagner, tu seras en charge de Créer et développer ton portefeuille client ; Recruter et manager tes propres équipes ; Gérer ton compte de résultat. Acquérir les compétences d’un entrepreneur ; Une formation individuelle et quotidienne par un responsable de B.U. (ton futur toi !) ; Une ambiance déjantée ; La seule et unique société de conseil présente à la 24ème place du Top 25 des StartUps les plus attractives.
Budownictwo stalowe

Budownictwo stalowe

kraftvoll, zierlich & dezent! Der Stahlbau ist in der heutigen Architektur nicht mehr wegzudenken. Tragwerke für Hallen, Vordächer, Wintergärten, Glasfronten und vieles mehr entstehen in unserer Werkstatt. Das Resultat lässt sich zeigen und stützt und schmückt viele Bauten. Dank unserer Kompetenzen im Bereich Festigkeit, Statik und Design verbinden wir physikalischen Anforderungen mit formschönen Konstruktionen.

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Nogent-sur-Marne (94130) - Val-de-Marne (94)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Nogent-sur-Marne (94130) - Val-de-Marne (94)

Vous rentrez du travail un soir d’hiver dans votre logement à Nogent-sur-Marne (94130) et là, c’est la mauvaise surprise : il fait terriblement froid et il est impossible de remettre en route le chauffage ! Une seule cause possible : votre système de chauffage est tombé en panne. Dans ce cas de figure, une seule solution est requise, c’est-à-dire contacter un plombier professionnel pour bénéficier de son savoir-faire. Effectivement, n’essayez pas de régler votre chaudière vous-même, vous risquez d’empirer les choses ou pire, vous blesser. Contactez plutôt nos équipes de plombiers professionnels au 06 44 60 31 00 et expliquez-leur la situation. Dans les plus brefs délais, nos artisans seront sur place pour dépanner votre chaudière. Nous ne sommes pas seulement efficaces dans le domaine du chauffage, mais aussi dans toutes les prestations de plomberie : fuites d’eau, installations bouchées, mauvaise évacuation des eaux… Grâce à notre expérience et notre savoir-faire, nous somme à même
Symulacje cząstek w inżynierii procesów mechanicznych i technologii czystych pomieszczeń

Symulacje cząstek w inżynierii procesów mechanicznych i technologii czystych pomieszczeń

Durchführung von CFD-Partikelsimulationen in der Reinraum-Technik, Medizin-Technik und mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik Mit Hilfe der Computational Fluid Dynamics Methode (CFD) berechnen wir Partikel-Bewegungen und Partikel-Depositionen auf Oberflächen in Reinräumen. Weiters können verfahrenstechnische Misch- und Rühranwendungen mit dem Ziel der Ermittlung von Mischzeit und Mischgüte durchgeführt werden. In der Fördertechnik werden die Themen Energieeffizienz, Verschleiß und Partikelbelastung sowie die Bestimmung der Entmischungs- und Verstopfungsneigung basierend auf den Schüttguteigenschaften behandelt.
Rasocoat : Tynk/adhesiv za izolacijske sisteme s polistirenom

Rasocoat : Tynk/adhesiv za izolacijske sisteme s polistirenom

Rasocoat Premixed monocomponent powder compound, based on hydraulic binders, water-dispersible resins, selected siliceous and calcareous aggregates, specific agents, for the packaging, with the sole addition of water, of an adhesive thixotropic mortar for fine smoothing of elements in concrete, cementitious plasters, bastard mortar, plastic scratched, tiled coatings, HPFRC conglomerates and the bonding of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene insulation to masonry or old plaster, and polystyrene and glass fiber nets in the RINFOR SYSTEM 3 anti-tip system. Rasocoat is a gray color normal hardening smoothing compound with a maximum grain size of 0.6 mm, fiber-reinforced with Readymesh PM polypropylene microfibers. The particular composition gives the mortar obtained, by mixing Rasocoat with water only, high adhesive power even on difficult surfaces, high smoothness in application with a smooth trowel and easy surface finishing with a metal trowel or sponge float. Regularization and finishing of concrete walls, cement-based plasters or cement-lime mortar, before painting. Smoothing of plastic scratched as long as they are consistent, clean and well anchored to the substrate. Smoothing of tiled walls as long as they are firmly anchored to the substrate and after careful cleaning. Skimming of mineral wood panels (Eraclit® type). Smoothing of HPFRC conglomerates and very low porosity mortars. Realization of smoothing, coatings and gluing in thermal insulation systems, including constructions with expanded polystyrene panels. Skim coat capable of transferring stresses and incorporating ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA fiberglass meshes in the RINFOR SYSTEM 3 anti-tipping masonry system. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc. If the substrate consists of a scratched plastic or tiles, these must be consistent and well adherent to the substrate. Wash all the surfaces subject to the intervention with water in order to eliminate dusty residues that prevent proper adhesion. Absorbent substrates, such as plasters or concrete, must be thoroughly moistened with water, while substrates that are not porous or not porous, consisting of scratched plastic, tiles or HPFRC conglomerates, must be dry at the time of application. In any case, remove the surface water veils with compressed air or rags. Pour 2/3 of the total mixing water into the mixer, then gradually add the product and the remaining water, mixing until a homogeneous mixture of the desired consistency and free of lumps is obtained. Let the mixture rest for about 1 minute and then proceed with a further short mixing. Spread with a blade, smooth or notched metal trowel in the manner specific to the specific application and paying attention to the following procedures: - In the application of gluing the polystyrene panel, wait at least 24 hours (at 20 ° C), before proceeding to the following processing (smoothing, etc.). - In smoothing applications, do not exceed the overall thickness of 4 mm for each coat. The use of the Armaglass 160 alkaline-resistant fiberglass mesh is recommended. The mesh must be pressed with a smooth spatula on the still fresh mix, with the warning to create overlaps of at least 10 cm between the different mesh sheets (or in the joints between one panel and the next in the case of smoothing on heat-insulating panels). Once the first layer of Rasocoat has dried, proceed with the uniform application of the next layer. The consumption for gluing the panels is about 5-6 kg / m². Consumption for a normal two-coat reinforced leveling coat with a total thickness of 2 mm is approximately 3-4 kg / m². Consumption for reinforced leveling compounds in anti-tipping systems is approximately 8-10 kg / m². As an adhesive: approximately 5.5 kg/m². As a reinforced skim: from 3 to 4 kg/m² in normal skimming coats, from 8 to 10 kg/m² in skimming coats for the RINFOR SYSTEM 3 anti-tip system. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Floor Q: Strukturalny, wzmocniony włóknem płynny zaprawa do bardzo cienkich wylewek

Floor Q: Strukturalny, wzmocniony włóknem płynny zaprawa do bardzo cienkich wylewek

Floor Q This rheoplastic, composite cementitious grout with controlled-shrinkage and super-fluid consistency is fibre-reinforced with a special mix of glass and polypropylene fibres, having a base of high-strength cements, polymeric modifiers, anti-shrinkage agents, super-pozzolanic reactive fillers and selected siliceous aggregates. Ideal for restoring the thickness of concrete removed by milling, of old concrete flooring (with a reconstruction thickness from 15 mm to 40 mm), along with dimensional adjustments, structural reintegration and so on. Repair and cladding industrial concrete floors, structural restoration, dimensional adjustments, increases in the resistant section, reconstruction of the thickness of the concrete removed by milling, etc. The surfaces of application should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., saturated with water. In the case of surfaces to be rebuilt after milling, the areas of reconstruction will have to be in as regular a shape as possible (as similar to a square as possible); the thickness should be as homogeneous as possible; finally the section of the pre-existing flooring to be filled should be reminiscent of the shape of a trapezium which widens toward the bottom (this is in order to anchor the "patch" perfectly in the seat of reconstruction and to avoid its detachment, given the slightly expansive properties of the product). It is necessary to provide a suitable bonding bridge between the part to be reconstructed and the reconstruction material. There are 2 alternative ways of doing this: - Roll out the specific epoxy primer on the prepared surface, using a roller or a brush, for structural construction joints Syntech RGS. - Prepare adequate additional reinforcement, parallel to the bottom of the reconstruction, consisting of electrowelded mesh (2 mm wire, 5x5 cm mesh) at a distance from the bottom of half the thickness, attached to the bottom itself by "L"-shaped steel bars, with improved adhesion and a diameter of 8 mm, inserted in holes and secured by expansive cement micro-mortar Grout Micro-J or polyester resin in a two-compartment extrudable cartridge PROFIX. For the preparation of the mortar insert 2/3 of the total mix water in the mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until you obtain a uniform mix of the desired consistency. Pour the mixture prepared in the seat of reconstruction, prop it up and level it until it is perfectly smooth. Approximately 21 kg/m² of Floor Q for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2100 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Lorrez-le-Bocage-Préaux (77710) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Lorrez-le-Bocage-Préaux (77710) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Notre société de plomberie se tient à votre disposition partout à Lorrez-le-Bocage-Préaux (77710) pour les dépannages de plomberie, peu importe le problème ou la gravité de la situation. Fuite d’eau, toilettes bouchées, panne de chaudière : nos artisans plombiers sont formés pour tous ces types de prestation. En effet, la plomberie est un domaine particulier qui demande des connaissances précises et des compétences avérées : nous vous déconseillons fortement d’intervenir vous-même sur une panne de chauffage par exemple ! Nos plombiers professionnels Frisquet interviennent en urgence à votre domicile ou votre lieu de travail 24/24h et 7/7j, même les jours fériés ! Nous accordons une grande importance à notre service client afin de vous fournir des prestations impeccables et rapides. Si vous avez besoin d’un dépannage de plomberie à Lorrez-le-Bocage-Préaux (77710), contactez-nous au 06 44 60 31 00 ! Nous nous déplacerons dans les plus brefs délais
Retrofitting Maszyn

Retrofitting Maszyn

Rau Automatisierung überarbeitet Ihre Maschine. Wir fertigen eine neue Steuerung um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren und meist auch den Ablauf zu verbessern.
Regulamin Budowy - Przewodnik Praktyczny do Wdrażania Regulaminu Budowy

Regulamin Budowy - Przewodnik Praktyczny do Wdrażania Regulaminu Budowy

Bauen ist durch eine hohe Spezialisierung der am Bau Beteiligten gekennzeichnet, die nur durch ihr komplexes Zusammenwirken Bauvorhaben erfolgreich realisieren können. Wesentliche Grundlage sowohl für sicheres und gesundes Arbeiten als auch für qualitätsvolles Bauen sind die Kommunikation zwischen den Beteiligten und die Koordinierung ihrer Tätigkeiten. Europaweite Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass ein wesentlicher Teil der Unfälle am Bau auf Planungsfehler und mangelnde Organisation zurückzuführen ist. Die Vorschriften der Baustellenverordnung zielen ab auf eine verstärkte Koordination der Bauabläufe und die frühzeitige Berücksichtigung von Arbeitsschutzbelangen bereits in der Planungsphase. Der Bauherr eines Bauvorhaben trägt die Verantwortung für das Bauvorhaben. Er ist zur Einhaltung und Umsetzung der in der BaustellenV verankerten baustellenspezifischen Arbeitsschutzmaßnahmen bei der Planung eines Bauvorhabens als auch bei der Koordinierung der Ausführung verpflichtet.
Procedury testowe i badawcze dla precyzyjnej analizy komponentów

Procedury testowe i badawcze dla precyzyjnej analizy komponentów

Die MX Prototyping GmbH bietet umfassende Erprobungs- und Prüfverfahren zur detaillierten Analyse und Verifikation Ihrer Bauteile. Unser hochmoderner Maschinenpark ermöglicht präzise Belastungs- und Funktionsprüfungen, die sicherstellen, dass Ihre Komponenten den höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen entsprechen. Mit unseren individuell abgestimmten Testverfahren decken wir die Bedürfnisse anspruchsvoller Branchen wie der Automobilindustrie, des Maschinenbaus und weiterer Industriebereiche ab. Unsere Erprobungsdienstleistungen umfassen Materialtests, Belastungstests und umfangreiche Funktionsprüfungen. Wir analysieren die Grenzen Ihrer Bauteile und liefern verlässliche Daten für die Optimierung Ihrer Produkte. Die Vorteile der Erprobung bei MX Prototyping sind vielseitig: durch den Einsatz modernster Prüfmaschinen und Technologien können wir Ihnen eine präzise und schnelle Rückmeldung zu den Eigenschaften und der Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Bauteile bieten. Dabei legen wir größten Wert auf eine lückenlose Dokumentation, um Ihnen eine fundierte Entscheidungsbasis zu gewährleisten. Mit der Erprobung durch MX Prototyping stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Prototypen und Kleinserienbauteile unter realitätsnahen Bedingungen getestet werden. So reduzieren Sie Entwicklungszeiten und senken die Kosten für nachträgliche Anpassungen. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere langjährige Erfahrung und unsere modernen Prüfmethoden, um Ihre Produkte perfekt auf die Anforderungen des Marktes abzustimmen. Vorteile und Eigenschaften: Präzise Belastungs- und Funktionsprüfungen für Prototypen und Kleinserien Individuell angepasste Testverfahren für verschiedene Industriebereiche Moderne Testmaschinen und Technologien für höchste Genauigkeit Lückenlose Dokumentation und aussagekräftige Testergebnisse Reduzierung von Entwicklungszeiten und Kosten Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Bauteilerprobung Detaillierte Bauteilanalyse für Qualitäts- und Sicherheitssteigerung
Sanavel: Niet giftige verf, ademend, op basis van kaliumsilicaat, voor binnengebruik

Sanavel: Niet giftige verf, ademend, op basis van kaliumsilicaat, voor binnengebruik

Sanavel Breathable, natural, non-toxic, indoor paint, based on potassium silicate. Mineral-based, active formulation, high mildewcide and anti-condensation performance, prepared according to traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions, new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. Sanavel consists of potassium silicate, natural pigments. It has very high breathability, remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances and toxic emissions in general, and does not have thermoplastic effects. Restoring and decorative paint for interior environments. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc. Pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc. ) must be thoroughly removed. Preliminarily treat the support with the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Apply by brush, roller or spray. Sanavel is "dust-free" (it has started to be consistent to the touch) after about 1 hour. It can be overcoated after 4-5 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 10-12 hours. Apply from 0.30 to 0.40 liters of Sanavel per square metre of surface to be painted. Pail 4 l - Pail 14 l
Repar Tix G2: Tixotropní mírně expanzivní malta pro kotvení a podbetonování

Repar Tix G2: Tixotropní mírně expanzivní malta pro kotvení a podbetonování

Repar Tix G2 Thixotropic, reinforced fibre, anti-shrink mortar, slightly expansive in plastic phase, high-performance in terms of resistance and waterproofing characteristics, specific for the compensation of cavities and detachments in roughcast underpinning, and for accurate fixing of wooden or steel beams in masonry whatever its nature. Repar Tix G2 is based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers, plasticisers, stabilisers, and anticorrosive agents, antiallergic additives, selected aggregates. Free of chloride, aluminium, metal powders and aggressive substances in general. Fixing and anchorages of I-beams, clamps, beams, metal structures, reinforcing rods, prefabricated elements etc. Execution of render underpinning, in civilian, industrial, rural and infrastructural building, both for restructuring and newly built. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Repar Tix G2 and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 12-13% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. For high anchoring sections add Ghiaietto 6.10 (please refer to the appropriate technical data sheet for more information). Approximately 19 kg/m² of Repar Tix G2 for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1900 kg per cubic metre). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Elastotex 250 Combi: Wodoodporna taśma z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzalnych

Elastotex 250 Combi: Wodoodporna taśma z Hypalon, 25 cm, do spoin rozszerzalnych

Elastotex 250 Combi Strap with high resilience and resistance, with an overall width of 25 cm, consisting of a special elastomeric layer in Hypalon, resistant to raging and wear and tear, for use in combination with the epoxy resins paste Syntech AS 21 or Syntech AS 31, for waterproofing watertight expansion joints in buildings, works and structures below the aquifer level or to ensure the water sealing of structural connections even off the ground. Specific applications for industrial or infrastructural use. The excellent adhesion with epoxy adhesives such as Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) is greatly improved thanks to the perforated edges that allow a collaboration between the lower layer and the upper layer of resin. SYNTECH AS epoxy fillers allow the gluing of the Elastotex 250 Combi strip on various types of substrates (see paragraph "Preparation of substrates") including pvc supports (see technical document "Adhesion test on pvc sheath"). The strip is flexible and deformable (even at low temperatures) and extremely resistant to traction, root aggression, atmospheric agents and many chemicals. It is easy to lay and this allows for quick, safe and non-hazardous applications for the applicator. Waterproofing expansion joints, including large ones, subject to considerable work movements, and of natural joints and fissures, also in conditions of hydraulic counter-thrust, in tunnels, silos, tanks, pools, basements, roofing, prefabricated coverings, road joints and hydraulic works in general. The concrete surfaces must certainly be free of incoherent parts, traces of grease, release agent, paints by sandblasting, shot peening, grinding or milling, followed by careful removal of dust. The cement conglomerates must have a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N / mm2. The curing of the concrete must be at least 3 - 6 weeks depending on the climate. The metal surfaces must be perfectly clean and free from rust, calamine or lamination residues, by sandblasting or equivalent mechanical treatment followed by careful removal of dust (on metal surfaces pay maximum attention to the dew point). The polymeric surfaces must be roughened by sanding. Work areas, edges, etc. they must be delimited with adhesive tape. Mix the epoxy resin SYNTECH 21 (AS 31) thoroughly in the pre-determined amount as required (on average roughly 1 kg per meter). Spread the epoxy adhesive prepared as described above, on the sides of the joint to be waterproofed by toothed adhesive spreader, kept constantly clean, taking care to obtain uniformity of the thickness applied that must not be less than 2 mm. Unroll and apply the Elastotex 250 Combi strap, on the fresh adhesive spread, pressing it against the resin, stretching the ends by hand, taking care to avoid wrinkling and air bubbles, until the underlying resin leaks out from the holes on the strap. Apply with a metal filling knife a second layer (at least 2 mm) of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) adhesive at the edges of the strap, already impregnated, in order to protect it permanently from accidental damage and to obtain certain monolithicity of the end to the support. For the joint between two adjacent straps, weld the end flaps for overlap and solder them using a special hot air welding machine. For additional security of the seal, a small layer of Syntech AS 21 (AS 31) should be applied on the heated flaps. The final system resistances will be reached after about 7 days after laying, but already after 24 hours at 20°C, values equal to 60-70% of the final performances can be obtained. In any case the performance after 24 hours will be much greater than those of a high quality concrete. 1 metre of Elastotex 250 Combi for each linear metre, being careful to overlap the rolls of approximately 5-10 cm in correspondence with the edges of the band to guarantee the permanent water tightness of the system. Consumption of epoxy resin for bonding about 1.5 kg / m. Roll 20 m
Syntech HAG Acryl: Żywica akrylowa o niskiej lepkości do uszczelniania pęknięć

Syntech HAG Acryl: Żywica akrylowa o niskiej lepkości do uszczelniania pęknięć

Syntech HAG Acryl Syntech HAG Acryl is a four-component resin that reacts to form an elastic and durable gel. The properties of Syntech HAG Acryl are: • Good general chemical resistance. • Does not contain acrylamide, methacrylamide, formaldehyde or solvents. • Not inflammable. • Excellent adhesion on mineral building materials such as concrete, cement and bricks. • The reaction speed can be adjusted from a few seconds to several minutes. • When the injected cracks dry out due to temperature or groundwater level fluctuations the gel does not crack easily. • The hardened gel has excellent durability in wet-dry cycles. Syntech HAG Acryl components are supplied ready to use. Create 2 mixes in separate plastic buckets. Prepare only the quantity to be used each time. Solution 1: Syntech HAG Acryl component A (25 kg resin) mixed with Syntech HAG Acryl component B (2.5 kg catalyst). Solution 2: Syntech HAG Acryl component C (2 packs of 0.625 kg) mixed with clean tap water. Attention: The amount of water must be equal in volume to solution 1. When mixing resin, always use a wooden or stainless steel spatula. The reaction time depends on the temperature of the material, the structure of the building and the possible amount of water present. Higher temperature will speed up the reaction time and lower temperature will slow it down. It is advisable to carry out an on-site test, before injection, to observe and define the reaction time. To change the reaction time, only adjust the amount of Syntech HAG Acryl component C. The amount of the other components remains the same. Use a two-component stainless steel pump (manual, electric or pneumatic). Check that the pump and equipment are clean and that there is no residue from previous injection work. The two mixtures are fed into the pump separately, but are mixed homogeneously at a volumetric ratio of 1:1 in the pump's mixing head, before being injected through the pump nozzle. Check the quality of the concrete, as injection involves pressure. Sealing and waterproofing of cracks and cavities in walls, floors, concrete constructions, underground structures, etc. It can be used in constructions that are not permanently in contact with water (fluctuating groundwater level). Injection of very fine cracks. Determine the type and size of packers based on your pump and injection type. If reinforcing steel is present, try to locate it and plan the drilling pattern so that the reinforcement is not drilled. Drill holes at an angle of approximately 45° or less and in the direction of the crack. Make sure the hole goes through the crack. The distance of the drilled holes depends on the width of the crack. Place the packer in the hole. Prepare the pump to start the injection. The injection pressure varies depending on the structure and size of the crack. Start the injection at the lowest point of the crack. Continue injecting until resin flows out of adjacent packer(s). This is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of the material. Stop pumping, unplug and move on to the next packer. Continue the procedure until the crack is completely filled. After the material has cured, the packers can be removed. Holes drilled can be covered with Repar Tix Speedy HP quick-setting mortar. Clean and rinse the pump equipment with water whenever there is a stoppage longer than 15 minutes and, after completing the injection, rinse with a sufficient amount of water. Make sure the pump is clean and stop only when clean water comes out of the pump. The consumption of the product depends on the size of the empty volume to be filled. Can 25 kg [A] - Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] - Canister 0.625 kg [C] - Canister 0.625 kg [D] - Kit: 1 Can 25 kg [A] + 1 Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [C] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [D]


Sie suchen Fachpersonal der Kälte- und Klimatechnik? Sie bekommen Fachpersonal aus dem Bereich Kälte- und Klimatechnik – vom Kältemechatroniker über den Kältebauer bis hin zum Anlagenmechaniker SHK.
Sanaxil I - Therm: Przywracająca antykondensacyjną powłokę termiczną na bazie krzemianu potasu

Sanaxil I - Therm: Przywracająca antykondensacyjną powłokę termiczną na bazie krzemianu potasu

Sanaxil I - Therm Smoothed mineral coating for interiors and exteriors with potassium silicates with chemical adhesion, anti-condensation, insulation, mould resistant, thanks to the addition of hollow glass spheres. Sanaxil I - Therm due to its mineral nature with chemical adhesion, revolutionizes the concept of adhesion to the support, penetrating deeply into the pores of the wall to then react with its components and form a unique and indissoluble "silicating" whole. With a final appearance similar to civil plaster. The product does not form a film thus avoiding detachment and peeling phenomena, it ensures a permeability to water vapour thanks to its microcrystalline structure of the same porosity as the wall while guaranteeing excellent water repellency. Elasticity and hardness are coupled in maximum degree with a wide choice of colours not alterable over time; characteristics that, combined with the ease and practicality of application, make the product extremely multi-functional, adaptable to any project requirement. Restoring protective coatings based on stabilised potassium silicates, for vertical and horizontal surfaces. All products in the Sanaxil I – THERM series cannot be attacked by mould. Recommended as a finish in "cladding" insulation systems, as it helps to increase the thermo-acoustic and anti-condensation coefficient. Stone, masonry, concrete and any type of plaster. The Sanaxil I - Therm system can be applied directly on surfaces treated with mineral paints or new surfaces. If there are residues of organic paint on the support (washable, solvent-based paints, etc.), before application it is necessary to remove them by stripping or sandblasting, and also never apply on plaster, under the beating sun, on warm or wet walls. During application, cover areas that are not to be painted such as jambs, doors, windows and floors because silicates attack glass, metals, ceramics, glazes, paint, marble and granite. Adverse climatic conditions can impose the realization of adequate protection during the application and drying phase of the coating. Never mix with other non-mineral based paints. NEW SUPPORTS Apply a coat of Protech Fix AC - Therm fixative diluted from 20 to 50% with water depending on the absorption of the support. OLD SUPPORTS On old supports, remove the old paint by brushing, fill in any holes or imperfections in the wall with a suitable filler, proceed with fixing with Protech Fix AC - Therm impregnating agent diluted 20 to 50% depending on the absorption of the support. The product is ready to use if necessary add a little water and stir slowly. Apply a coating layer with a stainless steel trowel with a thickness equal to that of the granules it contains. Pass again with a cutting spatula to remove any excess material. After light drying, pass over with a plastic trowel with rotary movements to compact, even out and achieve the full plaster effect. On large surfaces, it is recommended to apply the product of the same lot and proceed always wet on wet to avoid signs of resumption. Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanaxil I - Therm available: 1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.6 -1.8 kg/m²; 1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.8 -2.0 kg/m²; 2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.4 -2.8 kg/m²; 2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.6 -3.0 kg/m². The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test. Pail 22 kg
Sanakoll: Klej - Termoizolacyjna zaprawa na bazie wapna hydraulicznego

Sanakoll: Klej - Termoizolacyjna zaprawa na bazie wapna hydraulicznego

Sanakoll Single-component adhesive-skim coat based on hydraulic lime, special flexible polymers, rheological additives, water retainers, microsilicates with pozzolanic activity, spherical aggregates with low specific weight. To be used for leveling skims on various substrates, light gluing and as skim coat/adhesive for our special SANATEX membrane (on thermal bridges, damp and/or damaged masonry). SANAKOLL is a low specific weight, low modulus of elasticity and highly breathable adhesive-skim coat. Its thermal conductivity value, < 0.2 W/mk, allows SANAKOLL to be classified in the family of thermal mortars in category T2, according to UNI EN 998/1. Its high breathability, combined with very low capillary absorption values, allows the transmission of water vapor and at the same time, thanks to special additives contained in the formula, counteracts the passage of liquid water. Its high adhesion on different types of substrates makes it the ideal skim coat/adhesive for the SANATEX membrane. The SANAKOLL-SANATEX system is used on thermal bridges, damp masonry, damaged supports, precisely by virtue of the physical-mechanical performance of the system. The smoothness of the product and its low specific weight, obtained with correct mixing with water, allows smooth, easy and fast application. SANAKOLL is a very versatile product that is also excellent for smoothing, leveling and gluing light cork elements or wood-magnesite panels. Fine-grain smoothing of lime or lime-cement based plasters and mortars. Regularization of plastered masonry up to a thickness of 5 mm applied in a single coat. Smoothing of concrete walls. Smoothing of stone elements, bricks, hollow blocks and other brick products. Adhesive-skim coat for the installation of the special SANATEX membrane, used in cold masonry (thermal bridges), in order to raise the dew point temperature of the surfaces, and in damp masonry, affected by capillary rising damp. Bonding of wood-magnesite panels, cork panels and other types of ecological modular panels, in the construction of "natural coats" (internal and external). Bonding of small-sized, medium-absorbent, non-clinkered, porous tiles and tiles on both internal and external floors and walls. The application supports must be free from dirt, dust, loose parts, etc.; pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent-based, etc.) must be removed. It is always advisable to operate on the application support with suitable mechanical methods capable of slightly roughening the surface, up to degrees from 3 to 5 of the ICRI methodology. Wash the surfaces with pressurized water to completely remove the dust and moisten the dry substrates immediately before applying SANAKOLL. Gradually pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer. Gradually add Sanakoll and the remaining water, continuing to mix until all lumps have been eliminated. The total percentage of mixing water is between 28% and 30% (from 7 to 7.5 liters for each 25 kg bag). The methods of use differ according to the specific intended use. For bonding on ordinary, absorbent substrates, indoors and outdoors, spread the product with a notched trowel in continuous layers, of suitable thickness, and then apply the elements to be installed (SANATEX membrane, panels, etc.), in the manner appropriate and usual, exerting the necessary pressure to promote adherence. For smoothing smoothing it is always advisable to apply two coats, waiting at least 8 hours and no more than 48 hours between the first and second coat. In particularly arid or windy climates, slightly wet the surfaces between the first and second coat. Finish the surfaces with a blade or a trowel according to the desired effect. In arid, windy or very hot conditions, it is advisable to moisten the surface of the Sanakoll applied for the first 48 hours with light and repeated nebulisations of water. Respect the minimum and maximum application temperatures. In summer, apply Sanakoll on shady supports, avoiding the hottest hours of the day. Do not apply when temperatures > 30° C are expected in the first 12 hours of maturation. In winter, do not apply the product when temperatures below 5° are expected in the first 12 hours of maturation. Do not apply when temperatures below 0°C are expected in the first 24 hours of curing. • 1.1 kg/m2 x mm of thickness. • Bonding of the Sanatex membrane, approximately 4 kg/m2 • Smoothing on Sanatex membrane, approximately 2 kg/m2. Bag 25 kg
Naprawa Dachu

Naprawa Dachu

Engineering and Construction
Rura gazowa ze stali nierdzewnej dla przemysłu mechanicznego

Rura gazowa ze stali nierdzewnej dla przemysłu mechanicznego

Edelstahl Gasleitung für die Maschinenbau-Industrie
Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Villenoy (77124) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Usługa Naprawy Ogrzewania Frisquet Villenoy (77124) - Seine-et-Marne (77)

Spécialisée dans les dépannages de plomberie et dans l’installation d’équipements chez les particuliers et professionnels, notre entreprise Frisquet se situe à Villenoy (77124) et se déplace dans tous les quartiers. Expérimentée dans le secteur de la plomberie et du chauffage, notre équipe d’artisans est présente pour vous garantir des dépannages répondant à toutes vos demandes. Nous intervenons à la fois sur du matériel neuf mais aussi plus ancien. Afin de bénéficier d’informations supplémentaires sur nos services, d’un devis gratuit ou d’un conseil personnalisé, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter au 06 44 60 31 00. Les artisans Frisquet vous accompagnent dans touts vos besoins de dépannage de plomberie et vous garantissent une intervention rapide 24/24h et 7/7j ! Notre longue expérience en plomberie et chauffage est notre atout principal, ainsi que nos compétences toujours améliorées au fil du temps. Nos services englobent de nombreux aspects de la plomberie
Inżynier ogrzewania Montainville (78124) - Montainville (78124)

Inżynier ogrzewania Montainville (78124) - Montainville (78124)

Dépannage chauffage à Montainville (78124) Spécialistes du dépannage, nos plombiers chauffagistes de Montainville (78124) sauront diagnostiquer rapidement l’origine de la panne et la réparer, en toute sécurité. Un premier contact par téléphone nous permettra d’identifier le type de dysfonctionnement. Nous vous proposons une intervention le plus rapidement possible. Formés régulièrement aux nouveautés techniques et aux évolutions des réglementations et aides gouvernementales, nous sommes en mesure de vous aiguiller quel que soit votre besoin, la marque que vous avez choisie et votre type de chauffage mais aussi et surtout entretenir et dépanner votre chauffage.
B2B platforma Afriqa

B2B platforma Afriqa

La Plateforme B2B Afrique est une plateforme innovante facilitant les échanges entre entreprises en Afrique. En intégrant des outils de recherche et de communication, cette plateforme permet aux entreprises de trouver et de collaborer avec des partenaires fiables et de qualité. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi renforcer leur réseau de fournisseurs et améliorer leur compétitivité. De plus, la Plateforme B2B Afrique facilite la négociation des conditions avantageuses et l'optimisation des coûts. Cette plateforme est essentielle pour les entreprises cherchant à renforcer leur réseau de fournisseurs et à assurer une gestion efficace de leurs achats. Grâce à une approche proactive et stratégique, les entreprises peuvent améliorer leur compétitivité et leur rentabilité.
Inżynier ogrzewania Pierrefitte-Sur-Seine (93380) - Pierrefitte-Sur-Seine (93380)

Inżynier ogrzewania Pierrefitte-Sur-Seine (93380) - Pierrefitte-Sur-Seine (93380)

Dépannage chaudière à Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (93380) L’expertise de nos artisans va bien au-delà du domaine de la plomberie ! Nos plombiers sont tout aussi compétents pour résoudre les problèmes liés à votre chauffage. Nous savons à quel point il est indispensable d’entretenir son système de chauffage tous les ans. C’est pourquoi nous faisons en sorte d’assurer votre bien-être dans toutes les situations, même celles qui s’avèrent les plus complexes. Nous vous venons en aide pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes que vous rencontrez avec votre chaudière ou votre chauffe-eau.
Duże Silniki

Duże Silniki

Im Bereich Großmotoren bieten wir Wartungen und Instandsetzungen für folgende Motorenanwendungen.
Instalator grzewczy Saint-Martin-La-Garenne (78520) - Saint-Martin-La-Garenne (78520)

Instalator grzewczy Saint-Martin-La-Garenne (78520) - Saint-Martin-La-Garenne (78520)

Dépannage chauffage à Saint-Martin-la-Garenne (78520) Spécialistes du dépannage, nos plombiers chauffagistes de Saint-Martin-la-Garenne (78520) sauront diagnostiquer rapidement l’origine de la panne et la réparer, en toute sécurité. Un premier contact par téléphone nous permettra d’identifier le type de dysfonctionnement. Nous vous proposons une intervention le plus rapidement possible. Formés régulièrement aux nouveautés techniques et aux évolutions des réglementations et aides gouvernementales, nous sommes en mesure de vous aiguiller quel que soit votre besoin, la marque que vous avez choisie et votre type de chauffage mais aussi et surtout entretenir et dépanner votre chauffage. Nous proposons nos prestations dans toute la région et autour des agglomérations principales de Saint-Martin-la-Garenne (78520), de marcq en baroeul, de Marquette, de Roncq, de Roubaix et de Tourcoing. Bercés des contraintes et habitudes